
Evaluation 4- How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Furthermore, during my construction of all products, WEB 2.0 helped me a lot in my creations through watching tutorials. An example of this is Google and YouTube where you can type anything you need help with such as "Livetype tutorials" where everyone helps one another, and you can even download professional step by step guides in programs such as photoshop. This opened a wide range of possibilities and advanced my skills in production.

Evaluation 3- What have you learned from your audience feedback

Overall what I got from audience feedback along with these interviews, the questionnaires and online feedback to, that the inter titles could have been more centeral, and more movement and catching. Maybe not just standing still but needed real impact behind them to keep the flow of the trailer.
I felt this feedback was particularly satisfying as it mentioned the look of my scenes being gritty looking and this is exactly what I was going for.

I was really happy with this feedback as it commented on my use of props which I carefully thought about in the process of filming to fit conventions of my intended genre. My editing I felt could have been quicker at the end which is what this person picked up on. However I was trying to create the build up in the middle to come to a dramatic ending.
Connor also said about my magazine
“The white noise was clever it really ties in with the title of the film and the overall image you have tried to tie in throughout”. Which is exactly what I was hoping to achieve although his criticism about this was the font used on the magazine itself it didn’t particularly stand out.

Narrative and props were my strong point in this opinion however again some improvements on the inter titles could have been made if I were to re-do it.

I agree with this feedback I think my main criticism on myself was the repeat of muddle box production- I wanted to start the whole thing of calm to then go into the conventional writing and a more impacting sound. Yet I could of just gone straight in and It would or probably been more effective.
Poster I am glad that the distortion worked for my audience as this is what I wanted to create throughout.
Magazine- similar to the audience feedback before the text issue I think making it more clear would of fitted better with the conventions of Little white lies but against the noise background it was hard to find something that would distract the focus away from the image.

Luke Gartside said
"overall very powerful and evocative, with technical code used effectively, possible the inclusion of a voice over may make it slightly more attention grabbing, and although intrigues the audience does not give a lot about the narrative of the film away"


Through my research there were other times where initial feedback and other things helped me with production. I always tried to refer back to what the audience wanted and any improvements they had.
Previous blog posts such as the audience questionnaire and were just some aspects of feedback that carried me through production.

evaluation 2- How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

When I was first given my task for a2 media, the main thing was to ensure we made a promotional package. I researched all sorts of different trailers that portrayed my genre, as well as posters and magazines that may not have been to do with the same film. However one package I did look at overall as a package was “Hostel” which gave me a clear indication of their focus within shots, colour schemes and font etc to link the products together.
I feel it is important to ensure there is an obvious link between products as audiences should be able to easily associate a poster for example to the teaser if they had seen it.

Annotated, film poster and magazine.

As this is annotated, it goes at its own pace, you may have to pause.

I also made sure that I had a clear indication of what the purpose of my film poster was. I intended for it to sell the film. By using it as a teaser poster, I aimed for it to be out just slightly after the trailer itself. I used the star appeal to help sell the film and also the overall mode of the poster to portray the genre. The mis en scene was critical in the portrayal of the genre.
The intention of the magazine release would be after the film had been released because of it being named "The Wired Issue" I want there to be a shared frame of reference there. The film in little white lies tends to be the selling point and this is what I achieved.

Evaluation 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

1. I feel the inter titles of my trailer fit the conventions of a psychological thriller. In trailers such as "Black Swan" and "Saw", the use of inter titles create a narrative of the story. By using 4 inter titles that all link together, to create a narrative but don't give away the story, helps the shots flow and create links within the teaser as sometimes the shots are not in order of events from the film. I also feel using 3 inter titles (4 including the name of film) is a typical amount for a short teaser trailer and isn't overdone.

The font is "Cracked" to create an unlinked effect and fit conventions of horror such as the font you may see in "Hostel".

This is a screen shot video of my trailer and how it links to other teaser trailers I have researched during planning.

This is me speaking about my Film poster and Magazine cover about how it develops, follows or challenges conventions.


Magazine Cover