
Initial idea (informal.)

For my first idea i was thinking of looking into the psychological thriller films which make people think similar to inception, the others and frozen. I thought about looking at the concept that are we born in a destructive or is it our environment and situations that make us who we are.
It would start with him wired up to a chair in the dark with his eyes on focus framing the shot. Would then zoom out and see the hand breaking away from the chair to release himself then dissolve to black. The inter titles would then read something about being destructive and show scenes of his past times- cheating girlfriends, family abuse, him in crimes etc.
Challenges the idea of is it the stuff that happens to you that causes you to go "off the rails."
After thinking more about this it would be to difficult to go that much into a plot going back into his past in a 30-60 second clip. I still really like this idea of having someone that feels different, or someone that is highly analysed within the film.

A further idea I had was to have a little girl talking to a dolly as if it were her imaginary friend. Then show the break down of the older girl versions life growing up with this voice she thinks is real. It would be more like a drama/ thriller then something psychological.
I am going to do a few practice shots relating to this, just to get use to the recording process, and adding music in and editing speeds and colors of the clips.


My top 3 trailers.

Whilst looking into teaser trailers I didn’t want to narrow my choices of genre down straight away so instead I decided to go for my top 3 trailers from each genre of film based on how much they make me want to watch the film, find out more or simply one I want to keep watching!

My favourite trailer 500 days of summer

I just really like the general feel throughout. The start with the couple and the voice over explaining this film isn’t going to be the typical romantic comedy you expect. In this trailer the voice over works particularly well as addressing the target audience- girls who like these films and with the list of emotions you can go through during your relationship or liking someone.
And the clips from the film are edited together in a fast pace fitting in with what is being read with the voice over. The main actors are named and shown which helps with face recognition if you don’t recognise the names. The upbeat music and popular song at the time of release only makes you smile watching the trailer and you can tell it will be a feel good film. The whole look of it and genre being quirky and indie style and still not giving to much about the story away make this a very successful, fun and memorable teaser trailer.

Number 2- Twilight

This is my favourite for editing techniques.
The fast pace keeps you intreged and you want to find out more about what happens. The music isn’t to overpowering yet works with the edit techniques. However I don’t like that this trailer used dialogue from the actors as I think it weakens it and instead of creating a mix of what happens in the story line it shows blocks of scenes with no room for guessing.

Number 3- the silent house (low budget)

This is one of my favourite teaser trailers I came across as it shows a variety of lighting, camera angles and sounds. It also doesn’t look to glamourous and high budget to do. After thinking of my initial ideas I wanted to just get a collection of teaser trailers that would fit to a style I would like to achieve. It fits conventions of a teaser trailer as well as breaks them. It is a continuous camera roll throughout the film yet the clips have been edited for a fast pace effect and to limit what is given away in the story line.

What is a Teaser Trailer?

A teaser trailer is primarily used to advertise and rase awareness for an upcoming Film, television program, video game, or product. As the intention is to grab attention, teasers are normally between 30-90 seconds and contain bits of footage from the film. Released usually well in advance before the film to create hype and tension and get everyone ready for the begining of the release or even making of the film giving it time to get pulicised. An example of this could be alice in wonderland which was released a year before it was out.
Also superman had a teaser trailer released after the film release date was moved which was used to remind audience and make them wait. After researching conventions of a teaser trailer using the basic aim needed during the trailer is:
  • Make you aware that the film will be opening in the future
  • Make you aware of who is in the film
  • Make you aware of the genre of the film
  • Give you an idea of the story of the film.

  • It is also used to create awareness such as
  • When will the film open?
  • What type of film is it?
  • Who is in it?
  • What other films that you have either seen or heard of feature these stars?

Sound tracks.
For my piece it is very important not to have copyrighted tracks so the best way to get around this is by using programs such as garage band

Other things to think about are the spoken word whether its from the actor or a voice over which i will have to look out for in other trailers.
For soundtrack music I will have to think of the way the music sets a mood and what it sets out for you. At the same time it should be constant and fit the genre well.

Introduction to media Alevel

For this half of my A2 level, i have decided to create a promotion package for a new film which will consist of research, plan and film my own teaser trailer. Along with this, i will need to create ancillary products such as a filming for the final products being poster and a magazine front cover (or a web page). I will need to make sure that all of these link together and have the same theme.
I will spend my research time looking into genres of films and connotations of a trailer. My overall film should be about a minute long.

This blog is a way to record and evaluate my stages and final pieces.